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Announcement of the Offer Price of Mulkia Investment Company IPO at SAR 38/share

AlJazira Capital (“AJC”) in its capacity as the Financial Advisor and Lead Manager on the potential offering of Mulkia Investment Company (“Mulkia”) or (the “Company”) announces the offering price and commencement of the Qualified Investors Subscription Period.

• The Offering price has been set at SAR (38) per share (the “Offer Price”).

• The Offering is comprised of (1,300,000) ordinary shares representing 20% of the issued share capital (6,500,000) ordinary shares of the Company to be sold by the current shareholders (the “Offer Share”).

• Each Qualified Investor who subscribes for the Offer Shares must apply for a minimum of (10) Offer Shares and a maximum of (324,999) Offer Shares.

• Subscription period for Qualified Investors starts at 9:00 A.M. on Sunday 07/04/1445H (corresponding to 22/10/2023G) and will end at 5:00 P.M. on Monday 15/04/1445H (corresponding to 30/10/2023G).

• Deadline for payment of the subscription amount according to the subscription requirements is 5:00 P.M. on Monday 15/04/1445H (corresponding to 30/10/2023G).

• Refund of excess subscription amount (if any) by no later than 24/04/1445H (corresponding to 08/11/2023G).

Any Qualified Investor who has an active investment account with any licensed capital market institution can subscribe to the Offer Shares through the electronic subscription portal provided by the Lead Manager (AlJazira Capital).

Qualified Investors who have active investment account with the receiving agents (AlJazira Capital and Derayah Financial) can also subscribe to the Offer Shares through the receiving agents’ electronic subscription portals.

For more information and for the prospectus, please visit the Capital Market Authority website (www.cma.org.sa), Mulkia’s website (www.mulkia.com.sa), and AlJazira Capital website (www.aljaziracapital.com.sa).

For more details: Click Here