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Addendum announcement from Mulkia Investment Company related to cash dividend distributions announcement to the Unitholders of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT fund

Date of the Previous Announcement:  18/07/2022

URL of the Previous Announcement:    Link

Change Details  :

Further to Mulkia Investment Company announcement in 19/12/1443 H corresponding to 18/07/2022 G, Mulkia Investment Company would like to announce that the announced dividends will be distributed to Unitholders of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT Fund starting from Thursday 06/01/1444H corresponding to 04/08/2022

The Impact Caused by the Change: No impact

Additional Information :

Securities Depository Center Company (“Edaa”) will distribute dividends to eligible Unitholders through direct transfer to their bank accounts linked to investment portfolios.

The company would like to draw the attention of non-resident investors that the cash dividends transferred through the resident financial intermediary are subject when transferred or credited to their bank account to a 5% withholding tax in accordance with the provisions of Article (68) of the Income Tax Law and Article (63) of its Implementing Regulations.