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Addendum announcement from Mulkia Investment Company related to cash dividend distributions announcement to the Unitholders of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT fund

Date of the Previous Announcement:  17/07/2023

URL of the Previous Announcement:    Link

Change Details  :

Further to Mulkia Investment Company announcement in 29/12/1444 H corresponding to 17/07/2023G, Mulkia Investment Company would like to announce that the announced dividends will be distributed to Unitholders of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT Fund starting from Thursday 01/02/1445H corresponding to 17/08/2023

The Impact Caused by the Change: No impact

Additional Information :

Al rajhi bank will distribute dividends to eligible Unitholders through direct transfer to their bank accounts linked to investment portfolios.

The company would like to draw the attention of non-resident investors that the cash dividends transferred through the resident financial intermediary are subject when transferred or credited to their bank account to a 5% withholding tax in accordance with the provisions of Article (68) of the Income Tax Law and Article (63) of its Implementing Regulations.