Date of the Previous Announcement : 2020-12-02 Corresponding to 1442-04-17
URL of the Previous Announcement : link
Change Details :
Mulkia Investment Company would like to announce that after appointing the zakat advisor Messrs. Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Bassam & Co. (PKF) to start the fund registration procedures for zakat purposes at the General Authority for Zakat and Tax (GAZT). The fund manager has updated the fund’s T&Cs and submitted them to the CMA to get their approval to proceed with the registration process at the General Authority for Zakat and Tax (GAZT), but we have received a notification from CMA that the General Authority for Zakat & Taxes has put the Investments funds registration for Zakat purposes on hold till receiving another notification from GAZT.
The Impact Caused by the Change : Zakat registration for the fund will be on hold until further notification is received from either CMA or GAZT.
Additional Information : Any other updates will be announced later.