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Mulkia investment Company Announces the Meeting of Unitholders’ Results of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT

Mulkia investment Company announces the results of the Unitholder’s meeting for Mulkia Gulf real estate REIT Fund held on Tuesday 10/6/1441H corresponding to 4/2/2020G through which the Unitholders approved the following:
1. Increase the fund capital from SAR (600,000,000) to SAR (681,086,520) by acquiring Elite Mall through cash/ in kind acquisition.
2. The Fund’s revised terms and conditions, which includes increase of the total value of the Fund’s assets from (751,000,000) to SAR (971,336,521), the number of units of the Fund, the definitions and the mechanism to increase the total value of the Fund’s assets and the allocation mechanism.

For further details about the allocation mechanism and property to be acquired, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Mulkia Gulf real estate REIT Fund. please visit the below link: