Fund Information | |
Fund Name | Mulkia Murabaha and Saving Fund. |
Fund Category | Public open-end fund. |
The risk level | Low risk. |
The minimum subscription | 10,000 Saudi riyals. |
Fund Objectives | Investment in this fund aims to preserve capital, provide liquidity, and achieve short-term growth in capital as a means of saving for multiple categories of investors who wish to save in the short term in exchange for obtaining returns through investment. |
Other fees and expenses | a maximum of 0.50% annually of the net asset value. |
Performance fee | There is no fee. |
Subscription and redemption fees | There is no fee. |
Types of securities in which the Fund will primarily invest | The Fund will primarily invest in money market deals, debt instruments, derivatives contracts, bank deposits, public money market fund units with a similar strategy, and public fixed-income debt instrument funds managed by institutions licensed and regulated by the Capital Market Authority. Or a similar supervisory body that is compatible with the Fund’s Sharia standards. |
Dealing days | Daily - from Sunday to Thursday. |
Unit price | 10 Saudi Riyals. |
The indicative indicator | SAIBOR index, one month (Saudi Riyal). |
The duration | Open-ended fund. |
Expected returns | The fund targets returns exceeding the current SAIBOR rate, which is equivalent to 5.5% annually. |
File Name | View | |
1 | Mulkia Murabaha and Saving Fund T&C | View |